Devoted to transforming the lives of people throughout Uganda

Welcome to Aakifah Foundation


Our mission is to provide support and opportunities to those in need, fostering positive change in the communities we serve


We aspire to be a leading charity organization, reviving morality and enhancing the welfare of Muslim communities, realized through compassion, empathy, and continuous care.



Who We Are

Aakifah Foundation is a registered charity organization in Uganda, dedicated to empowering marginalized communities through a multifaceted approach. Our projects span various dimensions of community development, aiming to create a lasting impact in the lives of those we serve.

In the year 2021, Aakifah Foundation was established. The foundation, named after the Arabic word "Aakifah," meaning devoted, was founded with a noble purpose – to transform the lives of people throughout Uganda. Aakifah Foundation embarked on a journey of unwavering dedication, not only to the Muslim community but to every individual in need.

Our Core Values

Aakifah Foundation is deeply committed to serving and uplifting the community of Uganda, guided by a steadfast dedication to improving the lives of all individuals, regardless of background or circumstance.
Embracing diversity, Aakifah Foundation fosters a culture of inclusivity, bridging gaps between different religious and cultural communities to promote understanding, harmony, and cooperation throughout Uganda.
Aakifah Foundation believes in addressing the multifaceted needs of communities by implementing comprehensive programs that encompass clean water accessibility, mosque construction, and socio-economic empowerment, aiming for sustainable and holistic development.
Through active engagement and outreach programs, Aakifah Foundation demonstrates compassion and empathy, actively listening to and understanding the needs of the community while providing essential support and resources where they are most needed.
Aakifah Foundation embodies resilience in the face of challenges, persistently pursuing positive change and making a lasting impact on lives across Uganda, guided by an unwavering spirit of dedication and determination.
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